VoIP: SIP-over-TLS and sRTP: Acrobits

Last tested version

retested in May 2020 with 3.8.19


SIP-URI User: Settings → Accounts → Username
SIP-URI Host: … Domain
SIP-over-TLS: … Advanced → Transport: tls (sip)
SDES-sRTP: … Advanced → Secure Calls → (SDES) Outgoing Calls: Best Effort
which is RTP/SAVP + RTP/AVP

Software Bugs

SHA-2 Digest: supports SHA-256 but answers with MD5 as well which creates two Authorization headers, which questions SHA-256 support


Bugs: ECDHE curves with less than 224 bit
Mitigation: Settings → Preferences → Security → TLS → Elliptic Curves
RSA+MD5 as Signature Algorithm (CVE-2015-7575) fixed in Sep. 2020 with version 3.8.22
Privacy: app phones to
Google Analytics for Firebase and
Google Firebase Crashlytics

App Names

back to the other (soft) phones.